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Korea Vietnam Peace Foundation supports justice for Agent Orange unethical war crimes

The foundation confirmed its support for victims of Agent Orange to sue a series of U.S. chemical companies due to their role in providing the chemical in the Vietnam War

Korea Vietnam Peace Foundation supports justice for Agent Orange unethical war crimes

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Agent Orange victims - Fighting for justice

Zen Master Meong Jin, a member of the Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation of Korea, bows to victims of Agent Orange Photo: Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation

The Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation has offered its support to those vicitims who are in the midst of a legal batte with 14 U.S. chemical companies that provided the United States with Agent Orange for use during the Vietnam War

Talking to the Vietnam Times, the foundation said that there were many newspapers in Korea reporting on this case of Tran To Nga, a victim of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, so the foundation and many Korean people were aware of the issue.

In Korea, there are also 100,000 victims of Agent Orange from the Vietnam War who have filed lawsuits due to the damage caused by Agent Orange to Korean veterans who fought in the war. Accordingly, many Koreas sympathetic to Tran To Nga's lawsuit.

The foundation is in completel agreement with Tran To Nga's case to seek justice for the victims of Agent Orange. This lawsuit does not simply have Tran To Nga as a plaintiff, but represents the voices of millions of Agent Orange victims.

The lawsuit is an important event that shows that humanity will never give up giving a voice to justice and pursuing the countries and businesses that bear an enormous responsibility for war crimes.

In a written response to the Vietnam Times, the Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation said: ''We regret that the French court recently dismissed this case due to the application of the principle of “sovereign immunity.” However, unethical war crimes like Agent Orange cannot be hidden behind the so-called sovereign immunity of international law.

Zen Master Meong Jin participated in the Vietnam War in 1972. Photo: Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation

"The Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation has always stood behind in support of Tran To Nga, who has expressed her intention to appeal. In addition, we hope that among the victims of Agent Orange in Korea will also appear a behind Tran To Nga, standing up for the voice of justice."

Currently, the Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation is also supporting a victim of a massacre caused by the Korean army in Vietnam. Nguyen Thi Thanh has been suing the Korean government since 2020. The foundation will always join hands with victims of the Vietnam War such as Tran To Nga and Nguyen Thi Thanh to speak out about human rights and justice issues in the United States, Korea and around the world.

The Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation is a legal entity established in 2016, under the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. The Goundation is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, working for peace so that Korea and Vietnam do not become a war gate but the center of peace in Asia.

It was established to promote "An honest apology to Vietnam," which was started in 1999 by Korean individuals and social groups. In Vietnam, the Korea-Vietnam Peace Foundation directs its activities to the goal of alleviating the war pain of Vietnam and Korea, and jointly building a peaceful and sustainable future.

Rosie Nguyen

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