Homemade recipe for Bun Bo Hue Hue style beef noodle soup with tomato sauce and coconut milk
Recipe for bun bo Hue (Hue style beef noodle soup) will be no longer so complex and time-consuming with
Pizza is a favorite dish of many people but what to do when restaurants are closed for social distancing measures? You can make your own pizza from instant noodles with this quick easy recipe.
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Total energy: 1,841 kcal
For two to three people
1 pack of instant noodles
2 chicken eggs
2 sausages
Ketchup, chili sauce, mayonnaise
Cooking oil
Non-stick pan
Green onions, fried onions
1.Cook noodles into boil water until soft then drain away the water.
Mix the eggs with a little soup powder from the noodles’ flavor packet.
Mix the drained noodles with eggs.
2.Cut green onions and sausages into small pieces.
Shred dried beef (if any).
3.Slice Mozzarella cheese.
4.Heat a pan. Lay a thin layer of cooking oil or butter to the pan, lower the heat, and spread the egg-noodles mixture evenly into a circle.
5.When the noodle base is crispy and turns yellow, turn it upside down to fry the other side.
6.Make the topping: Spread a layer of ketchup on the noodle base.
Add sausages, shredded beef, green onions, cheese and cover the pan with a lid to make the cheese to melt.
7.After 4-5 minutes, open the lid and fry again until the crust is crispy. Sprinkle more fried onions, chili sauce, mayonnaise and turn off the heat.
Now you can cut the ‘pizza’ into pieces and enjoy it.
-90 seconds: Don’t boil the noodles until it is too soft. It will make the pizza base soft too. About 90 seconds is enough!
-Lid after cheese: You should cover the pan with a lid after putting cheese in so that cheese has enough heat to melt and stick with the other ingredients.
-Topping can be flexible: You can add more ingredients you like to the pizza.
Rosemary Nguyen