Viet Reader.


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Image: Bank loans in low demand

Bank loans in low demand

Cash-starved businesses have refrained from accessing bank loans while others have even canceled their loan requests despite reduced interest rates Interest rates still high The food industry is performing better than labor-intensive sectors such as wood, apparel and footwear. Even though food is

Image: Time for debt restructuring

Time for debt restructuring

One of the greatest concerns at the moment is the “time bomb” called corporate bonds, which may also affect the credit quality of the banking system. With a considerable volume of corporate bonds falling due in the rest of this year, what should banks do if issuing organizations fail to pay

Image: Market recovery triggers capital increases

Market recovery triggers capital increases

As access to bank loans is difficult, especially for borrowers in the real estate, construction and securities sectors, and corporate bond issues are strictly put under control, businesses have no other choice but to increase their charter capital by launching new shares. Big capital increases

Image: Credit in HCMC grows 14%

Credit in HCMC grows 14%

HCMC – Lending to businesses, especially those active in priority fields, has risen since the central bank increased the credit growth limit for 2022. These businesses operate in agriculture, export, and supporting industries, and are mostly of small and medium size. Credit in HCMC expanded 1.4%

Image: Reaching out to foreign lenders

Reaching out to foreign lenders

While access to capital remains a headache for local enterprises as they struggle to take out bank loans or get funding from the securities market, foreign capital has become a savior, helping cash-strapped companies maintain operations and recover in the coming years The An Gia Real Estate